NOTE: If you miss out on a ClubFest track entry or just want to hard park? Not a problem at all, there is no limit of club members for Night Shift Car Club Hard Park + Night Drags at NAPA Auto Parts Dragway, Saturday 26 October 2024 from 5:00pm.
Downtime Entertainment presents.. ClubFest! New Zealand’s annual Car Club MEGA MEET! 26-27 October 2024 (Labour weekend), a true celebration of the car club culture in New Zealand.
A SOLD OUT event since 2020, ClubFest is a series of track sessions and activities aimed at giving car clubs the opportunity to drive around Hampton Downs in a safe and controlled environment. Clubs of all makes and models are welcome. Your track entry gives you access to all sessions over the weekend.
While ClubFest is about having fun and celebrating the car club scene in New Zealand, there is also a competitive element with car clubs and individuals competing for titles, prizes and ultimate bragging rights. To enter your car, you must be part of a Car Club. If your club has not entered ClubFest before, you must get your club leader to get in touch with us.
Gates open 9am – 6pm (GATE 3) Hampton Downs Motorsport Park
Tickets $30 (no pass outs – unless you have a weekend pass)
Weekend Passes $50
Kids 10 and under FREE
FRIDAY ACCESS (Limited to 150 entries drivers only)
Gates open 12pm – 5pm (GATE 2)
Drivers that have purchased this option can arrive on Friday to go through vehicle safety check, drivers briefing and the track will be open for some track cruising. Perfect if you want to get everything sorted on Friday to avoid the Saturday morning rush.
Want to ride as a passenger at ClubFest? passenger wristbands are $10 for the weekend (this is separate to your spectator entry). You can also ‘HITCH A RIDE’ with any of the club cars on the day in the cruising sessions.
LOCK IN THE DATES!! Club leaders get your clubs and supporters ready, it’s going to be EPIK!! Strictly no alcohol. No pets. Event will go on rain or shine!
Official schedule for ClubFest, save a copy to your phone. Drivers, please make sure you’ve gone over your vehicle beforehand and arrive to ClubFest prepared, also make sure you have enough fuel to participate in all the sessions (FYI the Gull station by Hampton Downs no longer has 98) and you must keep your wristband on during the event at all times.
Spectators, to get the best value, purchase a weekend pass. Passengers, don’t forget to fill out your passenger indemnity form online here https://bit.ly/359IrJb to save time on the day. Pass-out’s allowed for track cars/drivers/weekend pass holders only.
IMPORTANT… Track entrants, Registration/Scrutineering/Drivers Briefing is NOT open on Sunday so you must get through on the Saturday so you have your stickers and wristbands to get through on the Sunday. Also, please go through the safety checklist and make sure you have the correct gear/equipment. All information is on the website (link below).

Official layout for ClubFest, save a copy to your phone. If you’ve already been through safety check/registration please use pre-checked lane when you arrive, you do not need to line up in the registration lines. Trailers & tow vehicles are not allowed into the venue Saturday/Sunday, please see the 3 dedicated areas to put your trailers & tow vehicles.


Track Cruising
Track Cruising sessions are by far the most popular sessions at ClubFest. With the added option to add track time on the Friday (Limited to 150 entries only) there’s even more time across the weekend to get your track fix.
Roll Racing
Roll Racing is fun and is growing to be one of the most popular track activities. The concept is simple, you race another vehicle from a rolling start at around 40kph (50kph max), the vehicle on the right sets the pace and if you’re on the left, keep up and once the light goes green, it’s a race until the checkered flag.
Send it on the Club Circuit Burnout Pad. There will be more than enough sessions throughout the weekend to turn your tyres into smiles. Your entry to ClubFest allows you to take part in all activities!
Drifting at ClubFest is open to all vehicles entered, although only purpose built drift cars will be able to tandem battle. If you’re new to drifting, we’d recommend practicing on the wet skid pan before heading out to the Drift Track.
Wet Skid Pan
Your ClubFest track entry also gives you access to wet skid pan sessions throughout the weekend. Two minute skid then off and re-join the queue when ready. 1 passenger is allowed. Enclosed shoes, long sleeve shirt/pants, helmets are the safety requirements for both driver + passenger, these can be hired from Hampton Downs (subject to availability).
Friday Track Access
One of the new features for ClubFest this year is we will be opening Friday afternoon as an optional extra for ClubFest entrants. This will allow these entrants to go through vehicle safety check, drivers briefing and as an added bonus, the track will be open for some track cruising. Perfect if you want to get everything sorted on Friday to avoid the Saturday morning rush.
Costs? it’s an extra $50 on top of a normal ClubFest track entry (Limited to 150 entries only). It’s an incentive for garage holders or for those that want to set up and leave vehicles on site or for those that want a bit more track cruising time.
Lucky Dip
the Lucky Dip returns! There will be several lucky dip draws throughout the weekend where a club name will be drawn winning cash money for their club! every club can potentially WIN cash just by showing up! We can’t wait to roll out more exciting features, stay tuned!
Overall Top Club
The overall ‘Top Club’ is awarded to the top judged club across the weekend. Not only do the recipients receive an epic cash prize and a cool trophy to keep, they also get the Top Club trophy to hold onto till the next ClubFest where the trophy will be up for grabs again! Also, like previous years, the top 3 clubs will receive cash prizes for their clubs.
King + Queen of Clubs
The ‘King of Clubs’ & ‘Queen of Clubs’ awards are awarded to the top judged male/female across the weekend. Since 2022, not only do the recipients receive a cash prize, a cool trophy to keep, they also get one of these cool trophies to hold onto till the next ClubFest where the trophy will be up for grabs again! Previous winners:
Night Shift – Hard Park + Night Drags
Car Clubs can clock in for ‘Night Shift’, a massive Car Club Hard Park + Night Drags at NAPA Auto Parts Dragway, Saturday 26 October 2024 from 5:00pm. For years we’ve wanted to include drag racing to ClubFest and the event has become too big to incorporate an infield hard park so Night Shift is a perfect way to incorporate these elements together to ClubFest weekend.
Night Shift is FREE with your ClubFest track Entry! Just turn up with your registration stickers and wristband. It’s also FREE to spectate with your weekend spectator wristband. To race, you only need a helmet, wof and rego. Standard Drag Wars rules apply.
NOTE: If you haven’t purchased a ClubFest track entry and you want to be a part of Night Shift, you MUST register online, no immediate payment required, it’s so we can gauge space. Just simply pay the $30 spectator fee to put your car on display and if you want to race, simply pay an extra $60 at the scrutineering shed, sign the Meremere indemnity and you’re good to go!
IMPORTANT: You MUST pre-register online to secure your spot and your car must have club stickers to be able to hard park/race.
Second Driver
If you have a mate who’s willing to let you drive their car, fill out a Second Driver form at Drivers Briefing. How it works:
1. Your mate’s vehicle needs to be already entered
2. Go through the Driver’s Briefing, pay the $80 fee to drive on the track. (Fee does NOT include the gate entry)
3. Fill out the drivers form at Drivers Briefing on the day with your drivers license.
NOTE: Second drivers band is valid for both days e.g. If you purchase a second drivers band on the Saturday you are considered a driver and don’t need to pay a spectator entry again on Sunday.
Please see the below tips and guidelines on judging for this weekend
This year the King and Queen categories will be judged in highlighted sessions over two days. These sessions are highlighted in PINK on the timetable (here). If you are wishing to be judged for these, these are the times you should be ready for your judged sessions.
Only the Burnouts and Skidpan will be judged on Saturday and in the PINK highlighted sessions on the timetable.
BURNOUTS & HELI’S 11.30am to 12pm & 3.30pm to 4pm. Both tough in their own rights! This isn’t a burnout comp. This is simply a session if you are wanting to be an all-rounder across the event across all track activities to contend for King and Queen.
What are we looking for? Well, this is more for fun, however, we will be marking for use of the pad, smoke volume if doing a burnout and if doing a heli, tight and wide is what we are looking for and style! IYKYK! You drive the car, not the car drive you.
Safety is paramount so no hanging out of the vehicles please, no wheel weights, and all passengers must have a wrist band. No kids under 16 will be permitted on the pad. Helmets are a must. Please ensure you have the correct safety gear. You have a maximum of two minutes. The fire wardens will wave you to stop in the event of fire. If these flags go up you must stop.
WET SKIDPAN – 1pm – 2.30pm Show us how you execute and navigate the wet pan. We aren’t looking for burnouts on a wet pad. There won’t be a set gymkhana course, however we will be placing cones out and this gives you a chance to get creative. We are looking for style, car control, and use of the pad. Crowd pleasers are also what we’re looking for so get your crew pad side to cheer you on too! Have FUN! Clipping barriers will cause point deductions due to damaging venue property. Safety is paramount, please ensure you have the appropriate safety gear.
GRIP SESSION: 11am to 11.15am – This is all about participation and out there having fun in a safe environment where you can see what your car can do. These are the only sessions where any car should be exceeding the cruise session speed limit. Safety gear is permitted and no passengers are permitted. You do not have to do the entire session here. Just one lap around the track is sufficient but that is up to you. There are other sessions throughout the weekend that you can partake in the entire session if you wish. For this one, we are only checking to see if you are out on track. Please note it is a grip session so you should be driving as if it is one. Car control is key here. Make sure you have the appropriate safety gear for this session.
ROLL RACING: 11.15am – 12.15pm – This is also about participation and is a practice session for all roll racing participants. Whether or not you have one race or two, we just want to see you out there giving it a good go!
CRUISING SESSION: 12.15pm to 12.45pm – This is also about participation and getting out there with your mates
***Please note: The Hitch-a-Ride is also a big part of judging. There will be event staff watching and taking notes. Only go through here if you are picking up passengers otherwise don’t. The big part here is letting others share your passion and putting smiles on faces. They are not grip sessions, so caution should be taken.
NOTE: Downtime Entertainment has the right to revoke any award after the fact on the day in the event clubs are seen to put others in harms way, disrespect the event rules or the Hampton Downs venue.

BEST CLUB AREA – Club Banners/Flags are a must. Get creative but keep props etc to a minimum as it’s not a show and shine display. Show us how your club hangs out and kicks back at an event. If you have gazebo’s, please ensure these are fastened and tied down so they don’t blow away. If you have garages, your club cars should not impact traffic flow on and off the track and other garage users.
BEST CLUB PRESENCE – In short, the club that makes us go WHOA! Apparel, Club Stickers, Tough cars, the works.
BEST PRESENTED CLUB – Club gear is paramount here. This is more about the people than the cars. Rep your club gear with pride and look like a team.
BEST CLUB ATTITUDE – This starts from your arrival and carries throughout the day. Be kind, be helpful and be respectful.
BEST NEW CLUB – The new club on the block that shows us who you are ( in a good way )
BEST ALL-ROUNDER – The club that gets amongst everything over the entire weekend and puts on a show for the people.
BEST VARIETY CLUB – The club that brings the best variety of cars.
BEST CLUB SUPPORT – The club that brings it! Competitors and Supporters! This is about interaction and not just numbers.
MOST ENTERTAINING CLUB – The club that brings the joy to clubfest! Whether it be driving or interaction with people.
THE PREZ – This award is for the top club leader that leads their club to Clubfest and throughout the entire weekend. Your clubs actions reflect on your leadership.
KING AND QUEEN OF HEARTS – These will be judged as promoters choice.
NOTE: Downtime Entertainment has the right to revoke any award after the fact on the day in the event clubs are seen to put others in harms way, disrespect the event rules or the Hampton Downs venue.